Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Transitioning into Summer

My high school daughter is off school and my son is home from college. The whole family is working on a landscape project in our yard. These are exciting changes in my typically routine life, but they have distracted me from writing. I didn’t work on my query letter last week. I remember my cousin-in-law Randy Boyagoda telling me he gets up at four o’clock in the morning to write. I decided to try this tactic today.

I got up at five-thirty, (four just wasn’t happening.) My house is quiet and there are no interruptions. Well, the dog did rouse and give me a funny look--he’s a habitual guy and he’s used to me walking him at 7 a.m. Somehow he knew it was too early to get the leash and rolled over and went back to sleep leaving me with an hour and a half of precious writing time all to myself. This just may work.

Oh yeah, I do have some other news. In spite of my time management problems, I did progress in two areas this past week. One, while I was outside raking wood chips I came up with an idea for re-working the first few pages of my novel. I’ve been wanting to improve it and now I’ve got a plan. Two, I made arrangements to start a critique group with some other writers. Our first meeting is on Sunday.

If you want to make good use of your time, you've got to know what's most important and then give it all you've got. Lee Iacocca

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