Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I’m already excited to attend the SCBWI-RMC’s fall conference. If you don’t know, SCBWI-RMC stands for the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators-Rocky Mountain Chapter. Their conference is called Letters and Lines and it’s coming up on September 18th and 19th in Denver. Registration just opened and I’ve already enrolled. Now comes the hard part. I need to send in the first ten pages of my manuscript as part of a Critique/Agent Pitch application. I’m a nervous wreck. There are so many details: no stapling, name on cover page, no name on the manuscript pages, etc. etc. If you overlook any of these procedures your application will be eliminated. Talk about putting on the pressure.

So many rules makes me nervous. I wonder if this is how it feels to be in the military. I’m a wreck, because I’ve messed up with this kind of thing before. Last year, when I attended an SCBWI conference in Seattle I accidentally folded my manuscript. Apparently one of their rules was “no folding.” They were really nice about it and said they would make an exception and allow me to have a critique by a local published author anyway. I learned a lot from the critique so I really want to make sure I get everything right this time. I’m not sure if I’ll be lucky enough to get a reprieve twice in a row.

My fingers are crossed and I’m hoping I get everything right this time.

Excellence is in the details. Give attention to the details and excellence will come. Perry Paxton

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