Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Query Help

It’s going to be short and sweet today. I’m playing catch-up after a wonderful weekend out of town. I was in Wisconsin attending my daughter Theresa’s graduation ceremony. She graduated from my alma mater, Marquette University. I still have family in Milwaukee and it was great catching up with them this weekend. It was a wonderful experience for her to attend college where we have so many family members. Since I moved away soon after my graduation, Theresa spent little of her childhood there. I’m pleased she chose to go to Marquette, it gave her the opportunity to experience a special place and connect with many wonderful people. Since Wisconsin will always be close to my heart, it is not surprising I chose it for the setting of my book.

Which brings me to some good news for the novel. It so happened my cousin from Toronto was in Milwaukee visiting, too. Her husband, Randy Boyagoda is a gifted author. He’s written “Governor of the Northern Province”andRace, Immigration, and American Identity in the Fiction of Salman Rushdie, Ralph Ellison, and William Faulkner”. He has a third book due out soon. Randy offered to help me with my query letter. Yay! It will be great to receive guidance from a published author. I’m anxious to get started right away.

As the whole world and the individuals that inhabit it get increasingly cocooned, it is critical that one spends time with one's family. Simran Khurana

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