Monday, February 7, 2011

I Took a Pass During the Game

I was born and raised in Wisconsin. Everybody I know from there watched the Packers win the ‘Big Game’ yesterday. I’m the exception. Oh, I was a good sport about it. I made chili, guacamole, and all kinds of other yummy snacks to serve my household. Back in the day, I used to watch the game just to see all the cool ads, but now I can see them on the Internet anytime so I really saw no point in watching.

The truth is, while I enjoy most sports, I’m just not a football person. Since opposites do attract, it’s no surprise that my husband loves it. When we were newlyweds I went out of my way to develop an interest in football. I thought it would be good for us to have a hobby we could do together. I watched, asked questions and really tried to give it a fair shake before I said, “Uh uh, no thanks, this game isn’t for me, you can have this hobby all to yourself.” I know it’s popular with many people, but as far as I’m concerned football has too many rules and too much stopping for things like changing out offense and defense. Oh, did I mention that it’s played outdoors in the fall and winter and it’s freezing cold?

I have to admit though, that hot chocolate does help with the cold. (I’ve found most things become tolerable if chocolate is involved.) Anyway, my one exception is I do attend high school football games with my husband and family. I started doing this when our oldest daughter started high school. Now that my youngest is a junior I’m still going. Of course, I typically just watch the cheerleaders and the band, but I have to admit I do have fun going.

Basketball. Now that’s a whole different thing. I enjoy basketball. It moves fast and it’s exciting. I typically follow the NCAA tournament, especially the last three games when the final four play. I think I would enjoy hockey too, if not for the fighting. I get irritated when the ref just stands there and watches them fight. It seems contrived, kind of like WWE wrestling. Because it’s exciting, I could get into hockey, but I would need a hot chocolate to fight the cold.

So, what did I do during the big game yesterday? I read and I was really happy doing it. It’s a perfect world, the rest of the family enjoyed their day and I got to enjoy mine, too.

"May you live all the days of your life!" Jonathan Swift

1 comment:

  1. I loved your alternate Superbowl plan. When I would go to football games in high school, my favorite activity was to close my eyes and count seconds in my head and then open them to see how many seconds had gone by on the game clock. Then I realized I could just skip the games altogether! And I did!
