Friday, January 21, 2011

Middle-aged Moms can Tweet, too.

My daughter has been nagging me to set up a Twitter account for months. (I had no idea role reversal would start so young. She’s in her early twenties and she’s already bossing me around.) Anyway, a friend of mine has irrational fears about electronic conveniences from computers to cell phones. It’s like she thinks it’s going to blow up if she pushes the wrong button. (That couldn’t happen. Could it?) Honestly, I find technology daunting, too, but I don’t want the world to pass me by so I force myself to keep trying new things.

I have to admit, my daughter was right. I think I’m going to love Twitter. I’m following people I find interesting: publishers, agents, writers, gold and silver investors, successful entrepreneurs, and comedians. Several gold investors and literary agents have tweeted articles I read and liked. I would have missed those columns if not for Twitter. Ellen DeGeneres has had me in stitches several times. When someone tweets about an article or a YouTube video I just click on it and it appears. It’s so easy.

What I did find confusing at first was when one person is replying to another, but I’m starting to get the hang of that, too. So far I’ve re-tweeted three tweets I found helpful and thought others might like. I think I will stand back and watch for a few days before I start initiating tweets. I also want my daughter to teach me how to tweet with my phone and not just my computer.

I adapted to cell phones and computers, I’m on facebook, I’ve got this blog, I don’t think there is any reason why I won’t be a successful tweeter, too.

“Those who say it can’t be done shouldn’t interfere with those who are doing it.” Billy Eberhart

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