Monday, October 18, 2010

Synopsis Progress

I hate synopses. Heck, I don’t even like pronouncing the word, let alone writing them.

I’ve been working on mine off and on for the last few months and have not been satisfied with the result. So, I wasn’t surprised when I had my critique (a review of my manuscript and synopsis by a published author) and she said something like, “I love your manuscript and really don’t suggest you make many changes, but your synopsis is another story.”

Sigh. Don’t I know it.

As far as my synopsis goes I’ve been in writer’s block mode for a long time. Well, maybe it’s been more like just plain avoidance mode.

Then last week I decided to show it to my new critique partner, let’s call her P. She’s a non-published writer like myself. She analyzed my synopsis and had some great suggestions. After working with her I went home and got busy. I’ve made lots of changes, even some she hadn’t thought about. Before, I was just listing the action and not including the emotions that drive the plot as well. Now I feel my synopsis gives a better account of my protagonist’s story. All I have left is to work out a few of the transitions between the paragraphs so it flows smoothly - then I think it will finally be done. Yay!

I’ll be seeing P. again on Wednesday and will probably have her take a post revision look.

It’s so nice to have a support system, sometimes all you need is a little push.

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. Walt Disney

1 comment:

  1. Hey Peggy, I just found your blog. Best wishes with your synopsis writing. I'm so glad that's one task I don't have as a picture book writer! You have a lot of fun stuff here on your blog. So glad you're part of the writing group. See you soon! -Hannah
