Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Time Management

I tend to be a person who becomes absorbed in an activity, I don’t want to put it down and move on to something else, until I’ve completed it. This is especially true when the activity is something I enjoy. As a freelance writer, this presents a problem because I love almost all the activities involved. The writing, editing, public relations and marketing roles are the most fun for me. I don’t even mind my role as salesperson--at least up until it involves rejection. The hardest role for me is that of administrator.

Being an administrator means I have to practice time management. I create a schedule of all the tasks I need to accomplish and I have to follow it, keeping several balls bouncing at the same. Yesterday I was so engrossed in outlining the plot of The Family Secret - A Rainy Day for a potential agent, I put off work on my The Family Secret - Summer manuscript until today. The problem is today’s calendar says ‘write blog entry.’ So now I’m playing catch-up and I will have to do both today.

When I think about it though, it really isn’t a problem. I’ve been doing this in my personal life as long as I can remember. I’ve juggled the role of a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, employee, and my least favorites, cleaning lady and cook, my whole life. Sometimes one of these roles pulls into the forefront for a while, it runs it’s course and then takes it’s place back in line with the others. Well, except for cleaning lady, that’s always at the back of the line. Anyway, wearing the many hats of a freelance writer can’t be much different than everyday life.

Bye for now, The Family Secret - Summer awaits.

I am definitely going to take a course on time management... just as soon as I can work it into my schedule.” Louis E. Boone

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