Wednesday, July 21, 2010

On a personal note . . .

Things are pretty exciting around here. Our oldest daughter, let’s call her “T”, became engaged last Tuesday. Her finance, “R”, is a wonderful young man from Rochester, New York. I’m so happy for them both. We were just catching our breath from that big news, when on Thursday “R” got a fantastic job offer in Grand Junction Colorado, three and a half hours from Denver, where my husband and I and our youngest daughter live. He gave notice to his employer in Rochester on Monday and starts work in Grand Junction on August 1st.

Life moves pretty fast. In a matter of days I went from “I’m sure going to be traveling to the east coast a lot,” to “Omigosh, they’re going to be living in our home state.” I’m so happy. Of course, they’ll be on the other side of the Rocky Mountains, but still, same state.

It’s all very complicated, as they will be getting married in Milwaukee, the town where they attended school (Marquette University) and met. Milwaukee feels like my daughter’s home town since she was born there and has gone back to visit often. We moved so much, our most recent home towns, Denver and Seattle, have been summer and holiday visiting locations, but places she’s never permanently settled in. We still have plenty of family in the midwest and both of their college friends are there, so Milwaukee will be the perfect spot for the big day. Long distance wedding planning will be the name of game for the most part, but “T” is in Milwaukee, now and will stay there temporarily while she gets things started. Later she’ll move to Denver to live with us until after the wedding, when she’ll go to Grand Junction.

I’m so excited, I've decided to start writing a personal wedding journal. As the year unfolds I'm going to write dated blurbs about what’s going on with the wedding from my “mother of the bride” perspective. I’m going to ask “T” to do the same thing from the bride’s perspective. She’s a gifted writer. It will be interesting to look back later and see our different perspectives as the big day approaches. It’s funny how just about any event can become another topic to write about.

Marriage is a book of which the first chapter is written in poetry and the remaining chapters in prose. Beverly Nichols

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