Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Are we there yet?

I’m impatient. I want to be done. I felt almost finished with my manuscript until late March when I decided to make dialogue documents for each of my characters. The dialogue documents are a single list of all remarks one character makes throughout the book. I compiled these lists as a double check to ensure each character’s comments are true to his or her personality. Some statements for each of them popped out as too bland and not fitting their character type. At the time I thought it would be easy to go in, make the necessary corrections and be done in a snap. I was wrong. It’s been weeks and I’m still making dialogue changes. The problem is conversations involve multiple people. When I change one person’s comment I often have to alter another person’s response. This means I’m going back and forth from one character to the next in multiple scenes making numerous adjustments. In addition, the dialogue document for Travis established that he needs further development.

Travis is a gregarious prankster, the kind of kid who talks a lot. It makes no sense for him to have a shorter dialogue document than the other two supporting characters, but he does. I think I tended to omit remarks from him because his personality gets in the way of the task at hand. I was preoccupied with protagonist Jenna as she tried to solve her various problems including the mystery. Now I realize Travis offers an opportunity to add more tension to Jenna’s situation. His fun-loving personality can hamper her progress in solving the mystery. This will put a strain on their relationship adding interest to the story.

Improving Travis’ character will make a better manuscript, but the realization that I’ve got more work than anticipated has impacted my morale. I procrastinated all last week, doing just about anything I could to avoid getting back to my novel. I was like a kid on a road trip, making her family stop at a rest area, not to use the facilities, but rather as an excuse to get out of the car. I was so frustrated by how much I had left to accomplish I shut down production.

This week I’m trying to recharge and be positive. Even if I’m behind in my self-imposed schedule some things are going well. Several of my characters are well developed and ready. Even though I’m disappointed the answer to the question, “Are we there yet?” is no, I’m happy I’ve got a clear plan mapped out and the destination is in sight. With an improved attitude I believe I can make better progress this week.

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. Ralph Waldo Emerson

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