Monday, December 27, 2010


Like many people, in December I like to analyze my progress and plan goals for the upcoming new year. Below are reports on my writing ‘career development’ this past year and my objectives for 2011. I hope you had a wonderful 2010 and I wish you a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.


I have a three year plan for social media. The first step was joining Facebook in 2009. I’m still on Facebook and have enjoyed the opportunity to reconnect with family and friends in other states. (With all our moves, I have more faraway friends than nearby friends here in Colorado. Facebook has truly been a blessing.)

The second phase was this blog. I started it in late January of 2010. Committing to write the blog was much harder than using facebook. Making a public statement, saying to anyone who’d listen -- “I AM A WRITER” -- is difficult. I’d often think of things to say, but felt they were too personal or worse yet, too boring, to share. I’m learning how to come up with suitable blogging topics and working on acquiring a distinctive ‘blog voice.’ In 2011 I hope to be a more frequent blogger and post more than my thirty offerings this year.

The other plan for 2011 is to create my Twitter account. Thank goodness my young adult daughter is living in town and offered to help me with this. (I wouldn’t have a clue how to begin without her.) As soon as I have my Twitter information available I'll pass it on to you. I’m hoping Twitter will be easier than blogging and be as fun as Facebook.


One of my goals at the start of this year was to join a critique group. It didn’t go well at first. Initially I found only one person. We emailed a few times, but never shared our work. She decided to go back to school and was not going to have time.

Next I found a small group. We met several times, but they were all so busy with their day jobs they could not commit to consistently meet. The group disbanded.

Luckily this fall I joined a new group. These writers are dedicated and come regularly. They have also provided valuable insight on my work. Another bonus is most of them live nearby. Yay! My fingers are crossed that this group will stay together.

In addition to seeking critique partners, I’ve attended all but one 2010 SCBWI (Society of Childrens’ Book Writers and Illustrators) Denver Schmooze meetings. These talks are led by Hilari Bell and Anna-Maria Crum, two published authors. They cover various “how to” writing topics. I’ve learned a lot at these meetings and have made some friends.


I’ve re-worked my THE FAMILY SECRET - A Rainy Day manuscript numerous times. I know it’s improving, but it could still use some skilled editing before I send it to agents and editors. So, I applied to the SCBWI - Rocky Mountain Chapter’s Mentorship program hoping I could get some skilled direction. I found out I was accepted into the program in November. I will be working with published author Claudia Mills. Yay! Claudia already has a copy of my manuscript and we will be working together from January to June. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to work with her. She is a prolific author with so much to offer.


I’m struggling along with the first draft of the second novel in THE FAMILY SECRET SERIES. I worked on it during NANOWRIMO, but I’m snagged with some plot issues.

Last night, from nowhere, this really cool idea for a middle grade basketball novel came to me. (No. I’ve never played basketball, but I do like to watch.) Anyway, yesterday afternoon, my husband had a basketball game on in the family room while I absently cleaned in the adjoining kitchen. I really wasn’t paying much attention, but it must have impacted my subconscious. At bedtime we watched the old movie Crocodile Dundee. I started to doze off and then suddenly, sat up completely awake and scribbled down this basketball plot idea. (The only thing I will divulge is it has to do with foul trouble, but really it is sooo much more than that. The main character is speaking to me, I swear.) First thing this morning I re-read my notes and took the dog for a walk. (I do some of my best pre-writing while walking Charlie.) The more I walked the more the idea made sense. I think I might be on to something here. Yay! (Don’t worry, so far, there are no crocodiles in the book, the Crocodile Dundee movie seemed irrelevant to the thoughts floating around in my subconscious mind.)

“We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day.” Edith Lovejoy Pierce