Tuesday, January 26, 2010


The writing hobby days are over, it’s time to make a commitment. In the past I enjoyed squeezing in time here and there to write my middle grade novel, but that isn’t going to be enough anymore. From now on the writing will be a career. My lifestyle will change to accommodate this new goal. One of those changes is starting this blog. I used to make excuses about why I shouldn’t blog. They included my anxiety toward the technical side of electronic communication and a concern that working on the blog would consume valuable manuscript writing time.

A recent visit to blogger.com foiled the first argument quickly. Creating a blog is easy. My second reservation about time management was more valid. Writing in a blog will compete for my manuscript writing, editing and submitting duties. Juggling the blog with these other writing jobs is not going to be easy. This will push my comfort zone for sure, but career writers do have multiple writing assignments going at the same time. They do meet editorial deadlines. The blog would be an opportunity to get used to having numerous writing projects with various deadlines. Comfortable or not, if I am looking at writing as a career and not a hobby it is time to alter my approach.

I’ve heard that if you want personal change you need to acquire new habits. The blog will be my new habit for 2010, my leap forward toward becoming a professional writer. I vow to write a minimum of one blog entry per week starting now.

It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” Charles Darwin